Thursday, September 1, 2011

Blogger meet-up!

So while we were in Greece visiting my mother-in-laws village, I finally had the opportunity to meet up with another fabulous blogger, Irene from Blushingloves.  It just so happens that she lives in a city (Kalamata) about half an hour down the road from our little village and she was just as excited as me to meet up for a frappe (iced coffee) and a face to face visit!  I've been following Irene's beauty blog for almost 2 years now and she's most defo deserving of her blog popularity as she's one of the best European beauty bloggers out there!

We've all heard of meeting up with fellow bloggers IRL (in real life) but I didn't think I'd ever really have the opportunity to meet one of my blog "friends" as they're scattered all over the world. It just worked out so well that this pretty lady happened to live so close to where we were staying. It was meant to be y'all!

 And what a doll she is! We had a great time chatting about beauty products, blogging and family- ohhh we could have talked for hours! She brought along her hubby and 3 beautiful kiddos and they played great together with our 2 little guys, in fact our husbands really hit it off too...

{love this lady!}

I brought her a gift bag of some of my favorite makeup goodies and brands that she's not able to get her hands on in Greece like ELF, Annabelle, Wet n' Wild ,Cargo and NYX.
 Irene was such a sweetie and we had a great time chatting about everything and anything, it was a fabulous blogger meet-up! 
Check out her gorgeous beauty blog for great reviews of her fave beauty products, amazing pics of Greece and more from a girl who loves all thing makeup! 


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